I have so much to blog about right now but right now but I don't want to just give it all away at once... it leaves no room for the times when I'm feeling not so creatively juicy. Soooo I'm going with my latest weekend passion. Strawberry-banana smoothies. Yes, a little trite in the realm of smoothies but I have perfected smoothie making. Check this out...
If you use frozen strawberries in lieu of ice, it makes your smoothie have much more flavor and you don't have to add as much sugar... or any, really. But hello? Why would you not put sugar in it? Here's the rest of my most recent smoothie experience...
fruit in... just add a little sugar, a little dairy and...

off we go!!!
it looks kinda gross... just bear with me.

ok much better.
I actually made a movie with David and John about smoothies this past weekend talking about things we like. Maybe I will blog about it. Two smoothie blogs in a row?? That may just be too sweet.