Tuesday, August 30, 2011

before & after: the relationship lamp

My husband and I have been working to de-junkify our house since we first got married.  The initial merge was pretty overwhelming and stressful since we both are sentimental beings who have trouble throwing things away.  So far, we've been successful.

Since we first put our bedroom together, I've kept his lamp by my bedside and he has nothing.  He hates this.  So I was glad to find that we had not gotten rid of our relationship lamp.  This lamp was an old lamp that he had when we first started dating and we decided to paint it all different colors after about a year of dating.  We started calling it the relationship lamp because we had a big talk about our relationship and love when we painted it.

We should call it the clown lamp... what were we thinking?!

ah.  much better.  I feel like such an adult now.  And mister gets his old lamp back.

Monday, August 29, 2011

pizza party!

Every Sunday night, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend come over for dinner and True Blood.  We usually plan a meal and cook together and then watch the show while we eat.  This week, our friend John came by as well.  We made pizza... it was fantastic!

husband tosses the dough

is that dough or granny panties??

Did you know that you can go to most pizza places and they will sell you the dough.  I wanted to make dough from scratch but didn't have time so sister-in-law went to Hungry Howie's and they sold her 2 extra large doughs for under $3!!  

John enthusiastically brushes olive oil on.

chop chop


Friday, August 26, 2011

oscar loves sandwiches

especially when they're filled with tuna salad made by Daddy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

nutella AND rice krispies treats? you know it!!

it's been a very long weekend.  yesterday as we were planning our evening, I remembered this pin and decided to make the very same treats.

holy cow.  super awesome and really easy to make.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

holy crap

we went on a float trip this weekend with a group of friends... I thought tubing was supposed to be relaxing???

rocks hurt.
I also have a huge, awesome bruise on my left cheek (not the one on my face), but a little too pornographic for the blog.

In other news, we were watching Hoarders the other night and as the camera was scanning the "hoard" of a man's house, we saw this....

thank goodness for DVR and the ability to rewind and pause so I can take a picture...

She's on the phone and on the throne?  yes. she. is.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

my faves... blogs

my top ten favorite blogs of people that I don't personally know (in no particular order)... 

click on the pic to go to the blog.


 Healthy Tipping Point

color me katie

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

paper cranes

 for our wedding, we folded 1000 of these things...

and we hung for the ceremony...

and I didn't want to fold another paper crane for a very long time.  

However, my sweet nieces asked me after the wedding if I would make some cranes for them to hang in their bedrooms.  And this weekend I finally got a spark that made me want to fold cranes again.  So here they are... a little more exciting paper for little girls' rooms!

still need to be strung up to hang...

Friday, August 5, 2011

oscar loves fridays.

I've decided to turn Fridays into Oscar loves Fridays.  Oscar is my sweet kitty who loves to cuddle up to anything that we leave around the house.  We love to see the funny things that he ends up falling in love with.

Oscar loves Playstation 3.

Monday, August 1, 2011

oh so sweet potato fries

I forgot I made these a couple of weeks ago.

 sweet potato fries + a veggie dog

just in time for a meatless monday.
simple.  deadly.

recipe here.