Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY: keep your duvet in place!

our duvet slides around in it's cover.  it drives the mister completely mad.  so I took it upon myself to do a little something about it. here's how it went down....

duvet, scissors, ribbon, sewing machine

first, let the cats assess the situation.

kitty cats approve.

cut 4 strips of ribbon (about 5 inches long)

fold ribbon and sew a loop on each corner.

then add loops about half way from the edge to the center on each side.
this should give you four loops across the top of your duvet.

like so.

cut four more strips of ribbon (about 8 inches long)
*kitty paw optional

turn duvet cover inside out and place it on top of your duvet and mark where your loops are.

fold your ribbon strips and sew onto your marked spots on the cover.
not a loop.   you want to be able to tie these.

okay this is pretty much it... tie and cover that duvet!!

now everyone is sleeping better!

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